2025 Skating Stars

The Skating Star initiative is The Skating Stars programme is open to Children (Ages 6-16 years). There is one category.

• Children (aged 5 to 16 - Will need permission from a parent/guardian, before entry)

All contestants must have very little skating skills and consider to be a beginner and not to have completed any learn to skate lessons in any rink. No entries will be accepted where skaters have received private tuition. 

No skater is permitted private lessons once they enter the Skating Stars scheme unless required as part of the Skating Stars programme.

15 lucky chosen contestants receive free Skate Excellence course. 5 skaters will be eliminated each round, until we are left with the final 5 contestants. 

Overall, Winner will receive free Skate Excellence lessons up until Level 10 and free Show & Skate sessions up until the Christmas Show 2025. 

Runner Up – 1 free Skate Excellence 6-week course plus free Show & Skate sessions up until the Christmas Show 2024

Third Place - 1 Free Skate Excellence 6-week course 

4th & 5th Place – 10% discount of a Skate Excellence 6-week course 

Applications are closing on Wednesday 23rd April 2025. Dependant on Rink. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Skaters Full Name *
Which rink will you be attending? *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Date of Birth
Please note: You have to be aged 5 to 16 years to enter. 
Do you have any previous skating experience? If Yes, please outline below. *
Tell us about you. In Less than 100 words tell us about your loves, your family, your inspirations, hobbies and where you want to be in life. *
Why should we give you the chance to be the next skating star? *

As part of the publicity of 'Skating Stars', we may need to take photographs which may be displayed in both print and electronic marketing including social media.

In the future we may wish to send you information, such as information on skating competitions, skating gala's, master classes, etc and in order for us to do so you. Please tick the box below to confirm consent to such communication.  *
Skating Stars Work Terms & Conditions 

The Skating Stars programme is open to all genders. There is one category. Children (aged 6 to 16)

All contestants must have very little skating skills and consider to be a beginner and not to have completed any learn to skate lessons in any rink. No entries will be accepted where skaters have received private tuition.

No skater is permitted private lessons once they enter the Skating Stars scheme unless required as part of the Skating Stars programme. 

Any skater found receiving private lesson prior to the Skating Stars audition will be expelled immediately regardless of what point in the Skating Stars programme they find themselves. 

Any skater found receiving private lessons once registered onto the Skating Stars programme will be expelled immediately regardless of what point in the Skating Stars programme they find themselves. At no point before or during the Skating Stars programme should the contestants receive private lessons at any rink. 

Any skater found to mislead the judging panel to gain access to the Skating audition or programme will be expelled immediately regardless of what point in the Skating Stars programme they find themselves. 

A skater can be removed at any time within the process of Skating Stars should the judging panel deem their behaviour to be unsatisfactory and bring the brand of Skating Stars, Planet Ice into disrepute. 

All auditions will take place at the stated rink on the stated date – no alternative arrangements can be made unless agreed by the judging panel and with the knowledge of the rink General Manager. 

Skaters are required to be present at all skating lessons and auditions. If they are not present, then they must be aware that this can affect their chances of moving further into the competition. 

Skating Stars welcomes people with disabilities. Contestants will be judged based on their individual performance and their overall journey. 

From the first audition only up to 15 people in any category will be successful. 

From the 1st selection process only up to 10 people in any one category can proceed to the 2nd selection process and the third selection only 5 people will continue. 

After each round, those that are unsuccessful will be given a consolation prize of 10% off the next set of 6 Skate Excellence lessons to be taken at the start of the next course date and must be used consecutively one after the other. There will be no allowances for contestants not being able to attend the next available course or miss a lesson. 

From the 3rd selection only up to 5 contestants from the category will be successful.

At the finals gala there can only be one winner and one runner up from each category. 

All contestants plus their friends and family must at no point behave in a negative way to any Planet Ice/Skate Excellence staff or coaches or fellow contestants. This extends to any defamation of character online or on social networking. Breaking this condition to any extend will result in instant dismissal. 

Skating Stars contestants are not transferrable to other Planet Ice rinks. 

Coaches, Judges, and staff reserve the right to dismiss a contestant. 

Redemption of prizes will be honoured within the contestant rink until the valid date runs out. Should the rink close within the valid date then the prize will be honoured in the next available Planet Ice. 



The Winner of the regional Skating Stars will receive. 

 - FREE SELTS lessons until they reach Skate Excellence Level 10 (not Skate Excellence Advanced). 

- FREE access to the Show & Skate sessions leading up to the 2024 Christmas Show. 

The First Runner up in the heat will receive. 

- A Free 6-week block of learn to skate lessons to be taken in the next block. 

- FREE access to the Show & Skate sessions leading up to the 2025 Christmas Show.

The Second runner up will receive a free 6-week block of learn to skate lessons to be taken in the next block. 

The remaining 2 finalists will both receive 10% discount vouchers towards a block of 6 learn to skate lessons.

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